The stately world of Formal Dining Rooms
The elegance of formal dining room furniture comes from the matching style of the chairs, table and maybe even, a buffet, sideboard or china cabinet. The balance and order of a dining room set tells the world that you are a person who is organized, and in control of planning large family dinners or special occasions.
The numbers game
Shopping for new dining room furniture requires a bit of formality as well. There are measurements and quantities to determine when choosing a dining table. What are the dimensions of your dining room? Unlike pegs, a square room is often a better fit for a round table. With extra leaves, a round table becomes an oval, offering additional seating; but in its round state, allows for ease of movement in the room. A rectangular room is a good fit for a square, rectangular or even oval table.
Customers should bring the room measurements, from wall to wall. When shopping for a new dining room table, the measurements will help you determine the correct dining table size and shape. Proportion isn’t necessarily a deal breaker when it comes to your final choice, but symmetry in a room – the overall sense that everything is the correct size and works together – can create a sense of balance.
The last number needed, is the number of people you’ll be serving on a regular basis. There’s always room to squeeze one more person in at any table. But if you think you’ll need extra chairs that match your dining set, you definitely want to order those at the same time you purchase the set to ensure that the stain, finish or paint matches.
A good accessory to purchase
Now is also the time to purchase a dining table pad. Most pads have a vinyl or treated-fabric top, a layer of padding and a soft lining similar to flannel. Most pads extend over the side of the table and if used properly, will offer protection against minimal heat, stains and cuts. Don’t even debate the issue. Buy the dining table pad.
Dining room set – refers to a formal dining set to be used for large gatherings and special occasions that has a dedicated room.
So next time you are looking for a formal dining room set, keep in mind the following points to make your selection easier:
• What is the size and shape of your room.
• Is it the only eating area in your home.
• How many people are going to be seating at the table.
• What is your style – Modern, Casual, Rustic, Contemporary or Traditional.